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Short economic overview for Central Europe

Short economic overview for Central Europe

Key figures : Foreign direct investment in Central Europe - World Corruption index (Central and Eastern European countries) - GDP Growth in Central and Eastern Europe - Unemployment in Central Europe - Inflation in Central Europe - Foreign debt in Central Europe - Geo-economic data for Central Europe - Demography in Central Europe - Average gross salary in Central Europe - Gini coefficient (Central and Eastern Europe) - GDP per head in Central and Eastern Europe - S&P, Moody's, Fitch-IBCA CEE rankings - Interest rates in Central Europe - Currency rates in Central Europe - Freedom in the World (Central and Eastern European countries)

“We must build Europe not only in the interest of free nations, but also in order to integrate countries of Eastern Europe; as soon as they are liberated they will ask us to accept them into the Community.” - Robert Schuman, 1953.




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