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Poland travel: what you need to know to travel to Poland

The entry in Poland is simple since only a valid passport is required for the European Union nationals. Tens of daily flights connect in less than two hours the airport of Warsaw (Okecie), Paris, Brussels, London or Berlin.

As the Polish border stands at 1000 kilometers from Brussels and 1200 kilometers from Paris, the trip can also be carried out by car or by coach. The Polrailpass bought only abroad, allow to travel by train for the advantageous tariffs.

Inside Poland, it is preferable to travel by car. However, the train is faster between Warsaw and large cities such as Cracow, Katowice, Wroclaw, Poznan or Gdansk.


The rules of circulation on the Polish roads defer in certain points from those of the European Union. Among the main differences can be noted the inexistence of the rule of the priority to the right, the absolute priority for the tramways, the prohibition of studded tires in winter and the 0 tolerance for alcohol when driving. An amount higher or equal to 0,5 mg/litre of alcool in blood is regarded as an offence which can involve a high fine, as well as a prison sentence being with immediate provisional detention. In case of accident, a report must be carried out on the spot by the police.

Life in expatriation in Poland > >


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